Terms & Conditions
These are the Terms and Conditions on which we agree to supply certain services to you (referred to below as these “Terms”).
Please ensure that you read these Terms carefully. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please contact us via telephone on 0203 228 9880 or e-mail privatecare@slam.nhs.uk prior to treatment to discuss. You are responsible for reading and agreeing to these Terms prior to consenting to undergo any treatment covered by them.
By completing this document you agree to be bound by these terms which shall form a contract between you and us (referred to below as the “Contract”).
References to “us”, “we” and “our” in these Terms are to South London and Maudsley NHS Trust.
References to “you” and “your” in these terms are to the patient, as listed below or, where applicable (for example in relation to the responsibility for payment), the patient’s guardian or carer who is signing these terms on behalf of the patient.
We would happy to talk through any queries you have on these Terms. If you wish to discuss this further please contact our patient care manager via telephone on 0203 228 9880 or e-mail privatecare@slam.nhs.uk to ask for further details.
Our Services
We provide a wide range of services for mental health problems including psychiatric assessments, psychiatric treatment and psychological therapy. An up to date list of our services is available on our website (please visit https://www.maudsleyprivatecare.co.uk/) or you can request more information by emailing privatecare@slam.nhs.uk to ask for further details. Your consultant will discuss with you what treatment they recommend for you.
You, as the patient, are under the care of your consultant, who may involve other doctors (or other health professionals) in your treatment if appropriate. Your consultant is responsible for organising your consent for any medical treatment required and will discuss this with you.
We are not responsible for the acts and omissions of those clinicians (such as consultants) acting in their capacity as independent medical practitioners. Where a clinician is an independent medical practitioner, they and their secretarial staff also do not have authority from us to quote for charges for the services we provide to you. Any prices mentioned by them in relation to the services we provide to you (rather than the services provided directly by your clinician in their capacity as an independent medical practitioner) under these Terms are subject to written confirmation by us.
You are responsible for providing to the clinician (and to us, if required) a medical history for you that is as accurate, reliable and as complete as possible. You understand that withholding significant medical information could put your health at risk and that if this is later identified, your treatment may be cancelled. You are responsible for notifying the clinician (and us if necessary) immediately if a change occurs to your previously disclosed medical history or health and wellbeing, such as change in medication dosage or other similar issues. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of your treatment. You are responsible for complying with all instructions and guidelines given to you by us (and the clinician). Failure to do so will put your health at risk and any costs incurred for further treatment as a result of not complying will not be covered by the clinician. Any actions that deviate from the specific instructions provided to you by us or the clinician would be considered as non-compliance and any costs incurred for further treatment as a result of this will not be covered by us or the clinician.
We will make every effort to provide the Services on the dates that we provide to you. However, we cannot promise this and we reserve the right to refuse to provide services for any reason or to cancel or change the date of your treatment. There may be delays or cancellations for any reason, such as because of an event outside our reasonable control, for operational or technical reasons or because your clinician does not think it is in your best interest for medical reasons. Where this happens or where we refuse admission, we will try to give as much notice to you as possible and any advance payment you have made for Services that have not been provided will be refunded to you within ten working days of notice of the date of cancellation.
We aim to consistently provide excellent levels of patient care, and we value all feedback, both positive and negative.
The quickest and easiest way to resolve a complaint or answer questions are to contact the staff who are looking after you. Please speak to your consultant or Practice Manager if you wish to raise a concern.
If you are not satisfied with the response, please email privatecare@slam.nhs.uk.
Using your personal information
We take our responsibilities of looking after your personal data seriously. We use your data to help provide you with the best possible care in accordance with these Terms. Anyone involved in the provision of our Services to you may ask you for certain information (including consultants and our staff). Without this information, and if you provide incorrect or incomplete information, we will not be able to support you. Of course, we will not charge you for Services we have not provided to you, but this does not affect your obligation to pay for Services we have already provided.
You must keep us updated of any changes in your contact details as we will contact you using your last known contact details.
We will seek your permission to share your information with the consultants and other professionals involved in your treatment to offer the best possible care.
We collect and process your financial information or that of the company or individual responsible for payment of bills and invoices relating to your care.
We may share your medical information with sponsors or insurers of your care, so that they can ensure that payment for your care is accurate and appropriate.
We have a legal duty to keep your information secure and to this end, we comply with all applicable data protection legislation and clinical confidentiality guidelines. We have regular audits and independent reviews to make sure that we do.
You can request access to the information we hold about you and you can ask us to correct any errors.
For full details of how we manage all personal data handled by us, including how to exercise your right under law, please read our privacy policy. This can be found here: www.maudsleyprivatecare.co.uk/privacy-policy.
If you want to request access to the information we hold about you, please email DataProtectionRequests@slam.nhs.uk. Please specify to the team that you are a Maudsley Private Care patient to ensure your request is assigned accordingly.
Insured patients: We will process insurance claims directly with approved insurers on your behalf if you have provided claims details on our request. It is your responsibility to ensure that the condition to be treated is covered by your insurance policy. We are not responsible for this verification. Insufficient documentation will prevent direct settlements and may result in you being billed. Any shortfalls are your responsibility. You are responsible for all expenses and any costs not covered by your private medical insurance cover.
Self-funding patients: For self-funding patients we require payment in full 48 hours ahead of the commencement of treatment. The value of the deposit required will vary, based on your individual treatment. Dependent upon individual circumstances we may require further payments during treatment. Payment details will be set out in the invoices we send to you, in accordance with these Terms.
Sponsored patients: If your treatment is sponsored, we accept direct settlement arrangements only with those whom we have an agreement. If such an agreement is not in place, you will be asked to settle the account, and you may seek to recover the sum with your sponsor. For those where an agreement is in place, a letter of guarantee for the treatment must be provided. You are responsible for all expenses and any costs not covered by your sponsor.
We do not accept responsibility for the loss of any cash or valuables belonging to patients or visitors.
In line with applicable legislation (including the National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2015 (as amended)), if you require NHS treatment and you are not eligible for free at the point of use NHS treatment you will be liable to pay for such treatment and we will invoice you to recover any costs incurred as result.
How to make payment
If you are a self-funding patient or otherwise become liable to pay for the treatment we provide to you under these Terms (for example where your insurance cover or sponsorship does not cover the services provided to you), we will send you an invoice for the relevant amount in advance of any further treatment being provided to you under these Terms.
Payments can be made online, through your invoice link.
In the circumstances described above, we cannot offer payment terms and therefore all balances must be paid in full before your next appointment. Failure to do this may result in your appointment and/or treatment being cancelled.
Your right to cancel
If you decide not to go ahead with your treatment or any other services, you may contact us at any time to cancel. If your appointment is cancelled with less than 48 hours’ notice or you do not attend your appointment we will retain the full fee of your appointment where this has been paid in advance. For the avoidance of doubt, any outstanding unpaid fees for treatment already provided to you will need to be settled in accordance with these Terms.
Except in the circumstances set out above, any advance payment you have made for Services that are not subsequently provided will be refunded to you within ten of notice of the cancellation date.
Our right to cancel
We may have to cancel any appointment or admission date or any care or treatment to you before it is due to start for any reason, including, for example, due to unavailability of key personnel or key materials without which we cannot provide your care or treatment or because of an event outside our reasonable control. We will promptly contact you if this happens. We will always try to rearrange any appointment or admission dates with you. If we are not able to find any suitable alternative dates and instead we have to cancel the provision of any part of the Services to you, and payment in advance has been made by you or on your behalf for any part of the Services that have not been provided to you, we will refund these amounts by cheque or electronic transfer only to the cardholder or person who made the original payment, within ten of notice of the date of cancellation. Please note we do not make refunds in cash.
We have the right to cancel your treatment at any time if you do not pay us when you are supposed to.
Changes to These Terms
We may change these Terms at any time, including, for example:
where we reasonably consider it will make it easier to understand; or
because of changes to the law, codes of practice or the way in which we are regulated; or
to cover a development or change in the Services that we provide.
If we have to change these Terms, the new Terms will only apply to any new care or treatment that you may receive from us and will not apply to any care or treatment that you may be part of the way through or currently receiving as part of the Services when the change to these Terms is made.
Our liability
We are responsible to you for foreseeable loss and damage caused by us. If we fail to comply with these Terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breaking this Contract or our failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is ‘foreseeable’ if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time this Contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen, for example, if you discussed it with us prior to signing these Terms.
We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; for breach of your legal rights in relation to the Services (including the right to receive services which are as described and supplied with reasonable skill and care).
Other important Terms
This Contract is between you and us. No other person or organisation shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.
If a court finds part of this Contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
Even if we delay in enforcing this Contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this Contract that will not mean that you do not have to do those things or prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the Services, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.
You can make no variation or exceptions to these Terms unless the variation is agreed in writing and countersigned by us.
These Terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Services and these Terms in the English courts.
Undertaking to pay declaration
By completing this form of Terms you are agreeing to them, including the following statements:
I understand there will be separate consent forms relating to my/the patient’s treatment.
I, the undersigned, agree to pay for the services provided to me/the patient by Maudsley Private Care. These may be charged separate from, or in addition to, fees charged by my consultant.
I authorise Maudsley Private Care to submit claims relating to my/the patient’s treatment to my/the patient’s sponsor on my/the patient’s behalf.
I undertake to settle all personal expenses at the time of my/the patient’s discharge or upon request.
If a third party insurer has agreed to pay my/the patient’s account, I undertake to pay any charges that are not met on my/the patient’s behalf by a third party e.g a private medical insurer.
I understand this undertaking will continue for the duration of my/the patient’s episode of care, or until payment for any treatment has been received.